Be The Reason a Child Succeeds

The kids in our community have BIG dreams. They want to make a difference in the world. You can help them do just that. Your tax-deductible year-end gift can put a child on the path to success… but time is running out.

We have 600 children waiting to be matched with mentors who can help them achieve their dreams and goals for success. Every gift matters.

It takes only moments to give, but the impact of your gift can last a lifetime.

Give Now 

The first $25,000 in gifts received by December 31st will be matched.

SARA wants to be an artist. She loves mixing colors and hopes to one day have a painting hanging in a major gallery.





RICO wants to become a lawyer so that he can be an advocate for those in need.






TYRIN wants to be a neonatal nurse who cares for children and infants in our community.






MALIK wants to become an engineer who designs robots that explore outer space.






ALYSSA wants to be a veterinarian with a clinic that helps animals of all kinds.







TRINITY wants to combine her love of science with a desire to care for others by becoming a doctor.






When you invest in a child, you’re investing in the future.

Give Now.

Be The Reason a Child Succeeds

SARA has wanted to be an artist since she was five years old.  She loves drawing, painting and mixing colors.  Her hope is to one day have a painting hanging in a major art gallery.

Your tax-deductible year-end gift provides Sara, and other children like her, with the support they need to make their dreams come true.

Make a gift that lasts a lifetime.

Give hope. Give help. Give NOW.

Give here


The first $25,000 in gifts received before December 31st will be matched.

Now you can make your gift go twice as far!

Give here